The Culture mailing list is an eclectic gang of people discussing things related to Iain (M) Banks and his books.
"This is a high-volume list, and there are usually several discussions going on at once. For the benefit those who don't want to read every message, it's a good idea to update your message's subject heading to reflect your post. So we don't get a gazillion messages all called 'onion skins'..."
FAQ explains how to subscribe/unsubscribe etc.
The Questionnaire What we want to know about you :)
The Culture Shock Best Iain (M) Banks site on the net
the excession Nice 3D Pictures, often updated
Steven Gross has a nice page
The Wasp Factory has some stuff also, among them results from a vote on favourite Banks work.
This part of is a mirror of The Culture Mailing List Site
Original site designed by Håkon T Sønderland
This mirror maintained by sma