Sharp Blue: The Carnival of Software Development


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The Carnival of Software Development is a new weblog carnival dedicated to software development in the widest sense: languages, architectures, patterns, frameworks, tools, methodology, project management and so forth. If a post is of immediate interest to software developers (whether working for large companies, independent software vendors or open source projects) then it’s eligible for inclusion, so please feel free to submit anything you’ve written that you feel deserves a wider audience or is otherwise underappreciated. I’ll even allow articles on selling software. I’d like to use the Carnival to highlight newer posts but I won’t immediately dismiss anything more than a few months old.

005 2007/05/27 Sharp Blue
004 2007/04/30 CoderBattery
003 2007/03/15 Notes from a Tool User
002 2007/02/11 Sharp Blue
001 2006/12/21 Sharp Blue

To enter an article for the next edition of the Carnival, please email me with the names and URLs of the article itself and your weblog, and a short description of the article’s contents. You can also use the automated submission system if you’d prefer.

Similarly, if you’d like to host a future edition of the Carnival, please email me.

I'm interested in hosting a future software development carnival - perhaps in the new year. I would need a two week lead to gather some good posts.

I think at first it's probably best to try to publish one per month as I'm not sure how many article submissions we'll get. I've already publicised the January 20 one as being here at Sharp Blue, so would you like to host one on February 18 (the third Sunday in February)?

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