Genetic Algorithms
The use of techniques similar to biological evolution is common in many fields. For example,
consider the design of a scramjet aerospacecraft. Given the shape of the airframe it is relatively
easy to compute the flow of air or plasma over it, and so determine its flight characteristics.
Finding the 'best' shape for the plane is a much harder problem: the only method is to make an
educated guess about an improved shape and run another simulation. To find an equation that
links the vast number of variables involved in the shape of the airframe to the flight
characteristics so difficult that it is effectively impossible except with the simplest of shapes.
This system of guesses can be improved on by evolving designs.
In a genetic algorithm a 'genotype' is set up that determines the shape of the scramjet and
hence the flow pattern. The programme starts with a design produced by a team of designers
or an AI and description of the desired flight envelope. A simulation of each design is run and a
'fitness' assigned to each that depends on how close its characteristics are to the target. The
best designs are used to create a second generation of hybrid genotypes (with some degree of
mutation) and the process is repeated. After a number of generations the design will tend
towards a locally best design (a design from which all changes result in worse performance).
Running a whole series of such evolutions from radically different starting points will yield a set
of such locally optimal designs, from which the best can be selected.
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