Sol Campaign
Sol Campaign Notes
Some key points in scenario construction:
- Show off as much of Sol System as possible: Earth, Luna, Belt, Mars, Io,
- Power struggle between Belt factions. War between Astarte Cluster and the
- Action! Chases, assassination, explosions, gunfights, noisy deconstruction
of megastructures etc.
- Science-fictional ideas
- Multi-layered conspiracies.
- AI sub-arc
- Set the scene for the war over the wormholes
- Astarte Cluster introducing psychoactive technology to Earth.
- Praesidium building fleet in Uranus system.
- Build-up to major shift in power in Sol System (Earth ascendent), and change
in mood of Earth.
- Many different types of story.
The Player Characters
Recurring NPCs
A Knife in the Shadows
"I want you to find out who killed me," said the shade of
Greg Heller, "and why." This request for help would lead the
Artsutanov Yakuza into a web of deceit and treachery that
spanned Earth.
- Background
- Overview
- The Solipsists
- PraeSec
- Characters
- Greg Heller
- Shade of oneiric artist.
- Rachel Brennan
- Solipsist cultist.
- Josephine Clement
- Assassin for the Arsutanov Yakuza.
- Mikhail Andreievich Odoyevsky
- PraeSec colonel; operational unit leader.
- Action
- Act One: Investigation
Dreams and Visions
Against the hallucinatory intensity of the Xanadu
Carnival, PraeSec desperately hunts a fugitive agent
carrying a secret that might just change everything.
States of War
Maybe it started when the Imperial Battlecruiser
Manifest Destiny, in a high orbit over Titan, unfolded its
pulse cannon and fired three swarms of flechettes at the
Astartan ship War Rocket Ajax. Or six hours before that
when Archduke Lysander Wu defected to the Astarte
Collective. However it happened, the Terran Imperium
and Astarte Cluster were at war.
Balance of Terror
Broken Symmetries
The future of Ad Astra