The Brazilian War

Selected Timeline
  • Brazil invades Chile.
  • NAFTA troops begin `police action' against Andean drug barons.
  • Treaty of Spokane.
  • US begins war against Brazil.
  • Collapse of Brazilian junta.
  • Withdrawal of American troops from Brazil.
  • Greater Brazil falls into civil war.
  • Argentina annexes Uraguay, Paraguay and Bolivia.
  • Formation of South American Union.

In North America, the United States absorbed the economies of Mexico and Canada with the 2024 Treaty of Spokane. It seemed that just as the European Federation was using EFATA to expand its economic and political control into Eastern Europe and beyond, the USA would inevitably evolve into a single nation controlling the entire North American continent. The optimism of the American population and government soared. However, this recently-regained US confidence was soon shaken to the core by the the consequences of its intervention in South America.

The Brazilian War had begun in 2014 as a NAFTA police action against Andean drug barons, who were thriving in the chaos and collapse of law following Brazil's movements into Chile and other neighbouring states. After a decade of futile engagements, and several threats of massive American deployments, it became clear that the drug cartels were being supported by Brazil's military regime. In 2025, the Alvarez administration, desperate for a victory in the face of an increasing trade in geneered cocaine, became embroiled in a direct battle with the Brazilian generals.

The US faced its greatest nightmare: a prolonged, bloody conflict from which disentanglement was impossible. As had Vietnam 50 years previously, the Brazilian War began as a conflict the US could not possibly lose, and became one it could not win. This time, however, the balance finally began to swing back towards America.

The United States involvement ended late in 2027 with the collapse of the Brazilian junta. Public opinion had long since turned against the war and the Pentagon had been badly humiliated by the poor effectiveness of its latest generation of high-tech weapons; a swift withdrawal of American forces inevitably followed. The campaign had achieved its nominal aim, but the departing troops left an extremely destabilised region in their wake.

As Greater Brazil collapsed under the American invasion, its hold on its southern provinces sharply declined. Those regions fell into the hands of rogue Brazilian forces and bandit warlords. When it was apparent that the United States would not impose order in Brazil, Argentina invaded first Uraguay, then Paraguay and Bolivia to secure its northern border. When the dust settled in 2032, Brazil was no longer a sovereign state, but a part of a single South American Union, a sprawling entity covering most of the continent.

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